December 8th, 2015 by admin
Posted in boomerang buyers |
Tags: bankruptcy, boomerang buyers, coastlend mortgage, foreclosure, mortgages, short sale
In 2007 more than five million home owners lost their houses due to the recession. However, the boom is back and so are the buyers. More than the two million who took a hit during the recession are now qualified to purchase a home. These buyers a now referred to as boomerang buyers. Although, many…
November 24th, 2015 by admin
Posted in avoid PMI, first time buyer, LPMI, MI, NO MI, NO PMI, private mortgage insuracne, Private Mortgage Insurance |
Tags: don't pay pmi, how to avoid pmi, no pmi, what is pmi, why pay pmi
Avoiding PMI can save you money for a long time If you’re purchasing a $250,000 home using our 5% down NO PMI loan you can save $63/month over the same conventional loan that has monthly PMI. The interest rate on the NO PMI loan is slightly higher but the payment is still less because you…
June 8th, 2015 by admin
Posted in avoid PMI, Charleston Mortgage Broker, columbia mortgage broker, conventional loan, first time buyer, lender paid mortgage insurance, Low closing costs, lowest mortgage rates, Lowest payment, NO MI, NO PMI, Private Mortgage Insurance |
Tags: avoid pmi, low down payment, mortgage insurance, no pmi
The best low down payment loan is Coastlend’s 3% Down Conventional loan that has NO PMI. Click this link for a Free Quote. By avoiding expensive PMI your monthly payment will be much lower and you’ll be able to qualify for a higher loan amount. In some cases as much as $45,000 more just by…