January 12th, 2016 by admin
Posted in coastlend mortgage, Lowest Interest Rate, lowest mortgage rates |
Tags: 3%down, badcredit, coastlendmortgage, creditscores, loan, mortgage, NOPMI, paymnets
Credit scores have such an impact on what we pay for items. The sticker prices aren’t affected but the interest we pay on those items is. Most people aren’t paying cash so the cost of an item is greatly affected by the interest they pay when charging it to their credit card. Or the…
December 29th, 2015 by admin
Posted in 5% down, avoid PMI, Charleston Mortgage Broker, charleston mortgage brokergreenville mortgage broker, charleston mortgages, coastlend mortgage, conventional loan, first time buyer, No Down payment, NO MI, NO PMI |
Tags: 3%down, coastlendmortgage, credit, fha loans, firsttimebuyers, homebuyers, housingmarket, loans, mortgage, NOPMI, Realestate, USDAloans
Great milestones are accomplished through preparation, hard work, and determination. For most, one of the great milestones in life is buying a house. However there are many who never accomplish this goal because the feat seems out of their reach. Too high a hill to climb. When in reality it’s as easy to buy a home…